Please choose whether you would prefer one-to-one or group classes
Group classes available for FEMALES only
Start date: 30 DEC 2024
Timing: 13:00 - 13:30 (GMT)
Days - Monday - Friday
Duration - 1 Week
FEE - £15
Aqidah is a subject which covers correct Islamic beliefs as per, the Qur’an, Sunnah & consensus of the authentic Muslim scholars. Aqidah covers various topics, these include:
Allah Almighty & his attributes
The prophets (عليهم الصلوة والسلام )
The angels (عليهم الصلوة والسلام)
Revealed books and much more
Failing to study and understand Aqidah could result either in, disbelief or heresy.
This course is sectioned into three parts, they are as follows:
Part 1 - Ilahiyaat
In this section we will cover beliefs about Allah عزَّوجل, His Sifat and the concept of Polytheism.
Part 2 - Nubuwwah
In this section we will talk about the Holy scriptures, Prophets of Allah عزَّوجل, the blessed companions of Prophet Muhamad ﷺ and our beliefs about them.
Part 3 – Samiya’at
In this section we will cover beliefs about, the angels, Jinns, death, signs of the day of Qiyamah and much more...